God grant me peace as I trust you with the things that I can't control,
reveal to me the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of Jesus given to me to change the things I can,
and grant me the wisdom to know the difference.
Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Gen 1:26 (AMP)
said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image,
after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish
of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the
earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth
Hebrews 2:8 (AMP)
You have put everything in subjection under his feet. Now in putting
everything in subjection to man, He left nothing outside [of man’s]
control. But at present we do not yet see all things subjected to him
Luke 10:19 (AMP)
Behold! I have given you authority and
power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental
strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and
nothing shall in any way harm you.